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Contract for Sale of Goods Example


Contract for Sale of Goods Example

When it comes to buying and selling goods, having a solid contract in place is essential to protect both parties. A contract for the sale of goods outlines the terms and conditions of the sale, including the price, delivery schedule, and any warranties or guarantees.

If you`re looking to create a contract for the sale of goods, there are a few key elements that should be included. Here`s an example of what a contract for the sale of goods might look like:

Contract for Sale of Goods

This contract for the sale of goods is made on [date] between [seller name and address] (hereafter “Seller”) and [buyer name and address] (hereafter “Buyer”).

1. Description of Goods

Seller agrees to sell and deliver to Buyer the following goods: [insert description of goods, including any model or serial numbers].

2. Price

The price for the goods shall be [insert price], payable in [insert payment terms, such as “full payment upon delivery” or “30 days net”]. Any taxes or other fees associated with the sale shall be the responsibility of the Buyer.

3. Delivery

The goods shall be delivered to the Buyer at [insert delivery address] on or before [insert delivery date]. Seller shall be responsible for any shipping or transportation costs associated with delivering the goods.

4. Warranties and Guarantees

Seller warrants that the goods are free from defects and conform to any specifications or requirements outlined in this contract. Buyer shall have [insert length of time, such as “30 days”] from the date of delivery to inspect the goods and report any defects or non-conformance to Seller.

5. Risk of Loss

The risk of loss shall transfer from Seller to Buyer upon delivery of the goods to the Buyer.

6. Termination

Either party may terminate this contract upon written notice to the other party if the other party materially breaches any term or condition of this contract.

7. Governing Law

This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [insert governing law jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising under or related to this contract shall be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution provisions set forth in this contract.

8. Entire Agreement

This contract constitutes the entire agreement between Seller and Buyer with respect to the sale of the goods and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.

By signing below, the parties agree to the terms and conditions of this contract.

Seller: _____________________________ Date: ________________

Buyer: ______________________________ Date: ________________

While the specifics of a contract for the sale of goods may vary depending on the nature of the transaction, this example provides a solid framework for outlining the key terms and conditions of the sale. By taking the time to create a clear and comprehensive contract, both parties can ensure a smoother and more successful transaction.


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(+90) 534 695 03 31




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