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  • 16.03.2025 06:24:45


Write an Ethereum Application in Javascript for Smart Contracts


Write an Ethereum Application in Javascript for Smart Contracts

In recent years, blockchain technology has revolutionized the way digital transactions are conducted. Ethereum, a blockchain platform, allows developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) using smart contracts. Smart contracts are self-executing programs that automatically verify and enforce the rules of a contract. In this article, we will explore how to write an Ethereum application in JavaScript for smart contracts.

Before we begin, let`s understand the basics of Ethereum. Ethereum is a blockchain platform that allows developers to create smart contracts that execute automatically when certain conditions are met. These smart contracts are written in Solidity, a programming language specifically designed for Ethereum. However, Ethereum also supports JavaScript through the use of the web3.js library.

To write an Ethereum application in JavaScript, we need to perform the following steps:

1. Install the necessary tools and dependencies

To write an Ethereum application in JavaScript, we need to install the following tools and dependencies:

– Node.js


– web3.js

Once we have installed these tools, we can move on to the next step.

2. Connect to an Ethereum node

To connect to an Ethereum node, we need to use the web3.js library. web3.js provides a set of APIs that we can use to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. We can connect to an Ethereum node using the following code:


const Web3 = require(`web3`);

const web3 = new Web3(`localhost:8545`);


In the above code, we are creating a new instance of the `Web3` class and connecting to a local Ethereum node running on port `8545`.

3. Create an Ethereum account

Before we can write a smart contract, we need to create an Ethereum account. An Ethereum account is used to store and transfer Ether, the cryptocurrency used within the Ethereum platform. We can create an Ethereum account using the following code:


const account = web3.eth.accounts.create();


In the above code, we are using the `eth.accounts.create()` method provided by web3.js to create a new Ethereum account.

4. Write a smart contract

Now that we have connected to an Ethereum node and created an Ethereum account, we can proceed to write a smart contract. A smart contract is a piece of code that executes automatically when certain conditions are met. We will write a simple smart contract that stores and retrieves a value. The smart contract is written in Solidity and compiled to bytecode using the `solc` compiler.


pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract SimpleStorage {

uint256 private _value;

function setValue(uint256 value) public {

_value = value;


function getValue() public view returns (uint256) {

return _value;




In the above code, we have defined a simple smart contract called `SimpleStorage`. The smart contract has a private variable called `_value` that stores the value we want to store. The smart contract has two functions, `setValue` and `getValue`. The `setValue` function is used to set the value of `_value`. The `getValue` function is used to retrieve the value of `_value`.

5. Deploy the smart contract

Once we have written the smart contract, we need to deploy it to the Ethereum blockchain. We can deploy the smart contract using the following code:


const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi);

const bytecode = compiledContract.contracts[`SimpleStorage.sol`].bytecode;

const deploy = async () => {

const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();

const result = await contract.deploy({

data: bytecode


from: accounts[0],

gas: 1500000,

gasPrice: `30000000000000`


console.log(`Contract deployed to`, result.options.address);




In the above code, we are creating a new instance of the `Contract` class provided by web3.js and deploying the smart contract to the Ethereum blockchain. We are passing in the bytecode of the compiled smart contract and specifying the account from which we want to deploy the smart contract.


In conclusion, writing an Ethereum application in JavaScript for smart contracts can seem daunting at first. However, by following the above steps, we can easily write, compile, and deploy a smart contract to the Ethereum blockchain. With the increasing popularity of blockchain technology, knowing how to write Ethereum applications in JavaScript for smart contracts can be a valuable skill to have.


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Hatay / Kırıkhan Rıdvan Bey

Telefon :

(+90) 534 695 03 31


(+90) 534 695 03 31




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